LLAMADA GRATUITA 1-855-713-DOME (3663)


Discover the Power of Expos for Your Glamping or Camping Site Business!

Discover the Power of Expos for Your Glamping or Camping Site Business!

Discover the transformative power of expos for your glamping or camping site business with our firsthand experiences from the Alberta Outdoor Adventure Expo. Learn how attending expos can help you stay ahead of trends, network with industry leaders, and showcase your unique offerings. This blog post covers everything from preparation to execution, providing practical tips for maximizing your Expo experience. If you're looking to elevate your outdoor business, our insights and recommendations are a must-read. Dive into the full blog to uncover all the benefits and strategies for making the most of your next expo!



Enhancing your geodesic dome tent with the right exterior door setup boosts comfort, style, and functionality. This blog covers the importance of a quality door frame, included in our kits for easy installation, and discusses various door materials like fiberglass, steel, wood, and glass. We explore the benefits of inswing vs. outswing doors and recommend installing an overhang or small porch to protect your door from the elements, reducing energy costs, and extending the life of outdoor furniture. Proper weatherproofing and adding a screen door for ventilation are also highlighted. For those looking to purchase, our comprehensive dome tent kits are available in Canada and the USA, ensuring a seamless buying experience.



Enhance your glamping site experience by collaborating with local businesses! Learn how partnering with local chefs, artisans, and outdoor guides can create unique and unforgettable experiences for your guests. Discover the benefits of local collaborations, from enhanced reputation to community growth. Plus, find out how our dome tents and one-stop shop accessories can help you get started. Read on to learn more!



Operating a four-season geodesic dome tent glamping business requires careful planning and consideration. To succeed, choose the right location, dome tent supplier company, and climate control solutions. Plan ahead, offer year-round amenities, unique seasonal packages, and effective marketing. Establish local partnerships, train staff, and implement sustainability practices. By following these tips, you can create an unforgettable experience for your guests and thrive in the glamping industry.


The photos showcased in this blog post are from Big Little Clouds, a thriving glamping site located in Charlotte, North Carolina, United States. They have made excellent use of our 29.5-foot geodesic dome tents. We're proud to have been a part of their success story and hope that their example will inspire others to create their own unique glamping experiences.

Permisos para el sitio Glamping - Parte II

Permisos para el sitio Glamping - Parte II

En el blog anterior discutimos la diferencia de los requisitos de zonificación, la importancia de investigar y conocer la terminología, las mejores prácticas de comunicación con la oficina de construcción local.

Analicemos cómo alguien puede ponerse en contacto con un planificador o consultor de uso de la tierra, si decide contratar uno. ¿Puedes encontrar uno en Google? ¿O las páginas amarillas? ¿O preguntar en la oficina de la autoridad de construcción local?

Primero, lo que debe saber es que los planificadores no son profesionales con licencia local. No es necesario que estén certificados en un estado...